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Enhancing Employee Well-being: Fleet St Clinic Champions Occupational Health Services

21.07.2023 Category: Occupational Health Author: Dr Richard Dawood

As a leading London-based private health clinic, we at Fleet St. Clinic are committed to delivering individualised care and investing in the health and well-being of employees across various companies.

Recognising the challenges brought on by the post-pandemic surge in long-term sickness, we wholeheartedly support the government’s initiative to offer tax breaks for preventative care aimed at keeping employees fit and productive in their roles.

Addressing the Impact of Long-term Sickness: A Collaborative Approach 

Recent data has highlighted a concerning increase in long-term sickness, with 2.5 million people currently off work, a number that has risen by 400,000 since the onset of the Covid pandemic. The impact on welfare bills and the economy cannot be underestimated, making it imperative for both employers and policymakers to take proactive measures to address this issue.

At Fleet St. Clinic, we believe in adopting a collaborative approach to tackle this challenge effectively. The expansion of tax breaks for tests, screenings, and preventive care will hopefully empower more businesses to invest in their employees’ well-being without incurring additional financial burdens. This will not only reduce sick days but also enhance overall performance and productivity in the workplace.

Fostering a Healthier Workforce with Occupational Health Services 

As a longstanding provider of occupational health services, we understand first-hand the pivotal role that occupational health services play in preventing illness and fostering a healthier, happier workforce.

At present, less than half of employers offer any form of occupational health services, a number that drops to less than a fifth among small businesses.

While previous efforts focused on getting the long-term sick back to work, we strongly support the current approach of preventing individuals from leaving their jobs due to health issues in the first place. We are on a mission to encourage companies of all sizes and industries to provide comprehensive occupational health services to their employees throughout their careers.

How Tax Breaks Can Support Your Occupational Health Offerings

Under the proposed scheme, tax breaks will be extended to a wider range of treatments designed to maintain a healthy workforce. General medical check-ups, flu vaccinations, health screenings, and treatments that reduce workplace absence or enhance employee performance will be eligible for these tax incentives. Notably, this does not include private medical insurance or wellness treatments like gyms or spas.

The government aims to expand the current scope of tax breaks, such as remove the £500 cap for medical treatment funded by an employer to help employees return to work, benefitting both employers and employees alike.

Prioritising Workforce Participation and Health 

As we move forward, we are keenly aware that the final package of incentives will be influenced by economic conditions and government priorities. Nonetheless, the government’s commitment to improving workforce participation and addressing health challenges presents an exciting opportunity for companies to prioritise the well-being of their employees and contribute to a more robust and prosperous economy.

Let us Support Your Business

At Fleet St. Clinic, we stand ready to support businesses in their efforts to implement comprehensive occupational health services, provide preventative care, and make use of the proposed tax breaks.

Our mission is to contribute to a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce for your business, offering full support start to finish.

As we await further developments, we continue to champion the benefits of employee health and well-being, and we look forward to working hand-in-hand with companies across London to build a thriving, healthy workforce that can meet the challenges of the future with strength and resilience.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on individual lives and the wider community.


If you’d like to start the conversation about how we could support your employee’s health, fill out the form below and we’ll propose suitable services for your consideration.





    Occupational Health Services

    Occupational Health Medicals

    Workplace Flu Jabs

    Health Surveillance

    New Occupational Health Support Schemes for SME employees

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    New Occupational Health Support Schemes for SME employees

    21.04.2023 Category: Occupational Health Author: Dr Joyshri Sarangi

    As a leading private occupational health provider in London, Fleet St. Clinic is pleased to see the recent developments in UK Government policies regarding occupational health services.  

    The latest Budget announcement in March 2023 included the launch of a new occupational health subsidy pilot program with tax incentives proposal. This government program is aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in England with the cost of purchasing occupational health services to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees. This is part of the government’s focus on improving employee health and wellbeing and reducing absenteeism. 

    The proposed tax incentives for businesses that invest in occupational health services are a welcome development. As many London-based businesses are struggling with the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, it’s important to recognise the importance of maintaining the health and wellbeing of the workforce. This program will incentivise businesses to prioritise employee health, which will have positive impacts for both the employee and the business as a whole. 

    Employer-led occupational health services can reduce health-related inactivity by identifying, monitoring and preventing health problems in the workplace, supporting employees to remain healthy and happy in work. Around half of UK employees currently have access to occupational health services, which is lower than some international comparators. 

    In addition to the proposed tax incentives, there have been calls to make occupational health services tax-exempt. This would further encourage London-based businesses to invest in occupational health services from providers such as us, Fleet St. Clinic, and support the growth of businesses in the UK. It would also make it more accessible for businesses of all sizes to access these services to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees. 

    The focus on occupational health has also been highlighted by the John Lewis Partnership, which has launched a new initiative called “Working Well” aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of its employees. This is a great example of a business taking proactive steps to support the health of its workforce, and it is encouraging to see more businesses in the UK following suit. 

    It’s important to note that occupational health services from Fleet St. Clinic aren’t just about responding to workplace injuries and illnesses. They can also be proactive in preventing health issues from arising in the first place, such as through health screenings, workplace medicals, health promotion programs, and ergonomic assessments. These preventative measures sit alongside more formal methods of occupational health services such as management referrals and mandatory health surveillance. 

    By investing in occupational health services in London, businesses can reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and create a healthier and happier workforce. 

    The recent announcement about plans to expand occupational health services and workforce is also a positive development for businesses in London. This will help to address the shortage of occupational health professionals and ensure that businesses can access the high-quality services they need from providers like Fleet St. Clinic to support the health and wellbeing of their employees. 

    One potential barrier to accessing all occupational health services in the UK is the value-added tax (VAT) that is currently applied to some services that are seen as screening services rather than services that support the health and wellbeing of the employee. However, there have been further discussions about exempting all occupational health services from VAT, which would make them more affordable and accessible for businesses of all sizes. 

    In conclusion, as a leading private occupational health provider in London, Fleet St. Clinic is pleased to see the recent developments in government policies and business initiatives regarding occupational health. The focus on supporting SMEs, tax incentives, and VAT exemptions will make it easier for London and England-based businesses to access the services they need to maintain the health and wellbeing of their workforce. It is important to remember the potential benefits of investing in occupational health services from providers such as Fleet St. Clinic, London and the positive impact they can have on both employees and businesses. 


    If you’d like to start the conversation about how we could support your employee’s health, fill out the form below and we’ll propose suitable services for your consideration.


      Related services available at Fleet Street Clinic 

      Occupational Health Services 

      Management Referrals 

      Occupational Health Medicals 

      Health Surveillance 


      Onsite GP Clinic 


      Continued reading about the new UK Government Occupation Health Budget Proposals: 

      Tax exemptions for employer health related interventions 

      Full: UK Spring Budget 2023 

      Research & Analysis Report: Incentivising SME uptake of health and wellbeing support schemes 


      The UK is currently facing a rapidly escalating Diabetes Crisis.

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      Mental Health First Aid Training at The Fleet Street Clinic

      20.06.2019 Category: Mental Health Author: Caroline McKenzie

      Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a Mental Health problem.

      Unfortunately, how we cope with mental health problems, in general, seems to be getting worse.

      Leading to an increased number of self-harm and suicide victims. Spotting early warning signs in the workplace and helping those who may be experiencing workplace problems is an extremely important part in reducing the number of deaths by mental ill health each year.

      Stress, anxiety and depression are the biggest cause of sickness absence in our society. At Fleet Street Clinic, we believe in creating safe, healthy workplaces where mental health and physical health of employees are valued equally. Therefore, we believe that investing in mental health first aid training, much like physical first aid training should be part of everyone’s corporate wellbeing strategy.

      The Fleet Street Clinic will be running a two-day Mental Health First Aid course delivered by Leigh Mckay. This course is designed for all employees, line managers, HR professionals, OH workers and senior leaders alike who wish to become a qualified mental health first aider. By training your staff you’ll be joining a global movement of over 3 million trained Mental Health First Aiders across 25 countries.

      Leigh is a quality assured MHFA instructor accredited by the Royal Society of Public Health. She has a particular interest in psychology and emotional resilience. Leigh has a wealth of experience in delivering the MHFA courses in corporate companies. Plus, she advocates that a workplace and community that promotes wellbeing can have a positive impact on everyone’s physical, mental and emotional health.

      What is Mental Health First Aid?

      Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an Internationally-recognised training course. It teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health. MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, however, just like physical first aid training, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.

      A quality assured instructor will deliver the adult MHFA courses, which are for everyone aged 16 upwards. All instructors attend an Instructor Training programme accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health. Therefore, they are specifically trained to keep people safe and supported whilst they study this course.

      What will I learn?

      Learning will take place through a mix of group activities, presentations and discussions. Throughout the course, you will gain practical skills and awareness about mental health.

      This includes:

      • A deeper understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing, including your own
      • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
      • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
      • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
      • Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to appropriate support

      How will attending an MHFA course help?

      There are many benefits to taking part in an MHFA course. Firstly, research and evaluation have shown this course raises awareness of mental health literacy. The more understanding and knowledge about mental disorders lead to better recognition, management and prevention. Secondly, this reduces the stigma attached to ill mental health, especially in the workplace. Further, this course champions its students to increase their confidence in handling mental health issues. But, most importantly, it promotes early intervention. Above all, becoming a Mental Health First Aider can enable the recovery of a sufferer and even save lives.

      Course Details:

      Date: Thursday 26th & Friday 27th September, 2019
      Location: 29 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1AA
      Cost: £350 per person

      Spaces are limited.

      To book yourself and/or a colleague on to the Mental Health First Aid course, please email to our Corporate Manager, Caroline McKenzie here.

      Mental Health Awareness Week – Stress

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      Employee well being at FSC

      19.05.2018 Category: Occupational Health Author: Sandeep Karavadra

      5 excellent ways the Fleet St, Clinic’s occupational health services can benefit employee health and well being:

      • Recruiting a new employee? Arrange a pre-placement assessment.
        Why?  The OH nurse or doctor can check whether the employee is fit to undertake the role.  If any health concerns are identified, s/he can make recommendations, where appropriate, to promote the employee’s well being and health at work.
      • Staff reporting back problems?  Arrange an ergonomic assessment.
        Why?  It could be that your employee’s workplace arrangement is causing or contributing to the problem.  Our ergonomics consultant can assess their workplace in relation to the problem(s) reported/diagnosed and provide advice and recommendations on how to reduce symptoms.
      • A staff member returning to work after illness?  Arrange a Fitness Assessment.
        Why? Employees and employers can benefit from advice and recommendations on how best for the employee to enter back into work to minimise risk of relapse and aid a successful and healthy return to work.
      • Assigning one of your employees to a project abroad?  Arrange a pre-deployment medical.
        Why?  Depending on the assignment and location, working abroad can increase stresses on the individual and often with limited access to medical care.  A pre-deployment medical can assess whether the employee is fit to undertake the post, provide advice and recommendations to promote their health while away and advise on any travel precautions to prevent illness.

      You can find out more about our occupational health services here.


      Alternatively, fill out the form below and we’ll propose suitable services for your consideration.