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Statement on Coronavirus: Service updates

30.03.2020 Category: Clinic News Author: Dr Richard Dawood

We are hoping you and your family are keeping safe and healthy.

We want to reassure you that we are committed to looking after your health during these trying times.

We have every intention of remaining open so you can access all of our services, however, we have had to make some necessary changes to adapt to the current circumstance.

Temporary Opening Hours:

We have made the difficult decision to temporarily adjust our opening hours. Starting Monday 23rd March, for the foreseeable future, the clinic will be open 9:00am – 5:30pm for face-to-face appointments – we may be able to facilitate virtual clinic appointments outside of these hours.

Virtual Clinic Offerings:

With many of you now working from home outside of London, it makes sense to adapt our services to meet your new needs.

You’ll be able to access a lot of our services through our virtual clinic from Monday 23rd March:

  • GP appointments
  • Travel consultation for health advice only
  • Repeat prescriptions

We are confident that this will not affect the quality of service that we will continue to supply to you.

Reduced Services:

We are running a reduce service for optical appointments. We advise you call our front of house team on +44 20 7353 5678 to make any appointments or alterations.

Booking An Appointment:

To protect the health and wellness of our patients and our team, we’ve decided to turn off online bookings for the time being. Rest assured you can still book appointments, however, this now needs to be done through our friendly reception team on +44 20 7353 5678 to determine if a face-to-face appointment or virtual consultation is required. Due to reduced availability, a deposit is required for all appointments.

Getting in touch:

Due to these unprecedented circumstances, we’re experiencing an increase in phone calls so you may have noticed our call waiting times have been slightly longer than usual. Our reception team are working at full capacity to offer reassurance and to book your appointments, however, please do not hesitate to email us if the phone line is too busy. We will answer all enquiries we receive.

Prescriptions for Medicines & Contact Lenses:

Please note, you can place orders for repeat prescriptions and contact lenses in advance via email here.
Outline your medicine needs and/ or your contact lens prescription and you can either pick your prescription up from the clinic or we can dispense these directly to you via the post.

Feeling unwell?

We would kindly like to remind you that you must not come to the clinic if you are suffering from any of the symptoms below:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Running nose
  • Sore throat
  • High temperature
  • Shortness of breath

We are not offering testing for COVID-19 at our clinic but will be sure to keep you informed if this is to change.

Our commitment to our patient’s health and well-being remains our primary focus and we will continue to work safely and strategically during these unprecedented times. If there are any developments that impact these arrangements, we will notify you at the earliest possible opportunity.

Thank you for your support in keeping one another safe.

For more advice on Coronavirus…

Coronavirus (COVID-19) News Update

Read more