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Arexvy: the new vaccination to protect against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

23.11.2023 Category: General Health Author: Anna Chapman

RSV is a common and highly contagious respiratory virus that is a leading cause of lung disease. RSV is seasonal, and like other respiratory viruses, its peak incidence is during the winter months each year. It spreads from person to person via droplets, or from infected surfaces or objects. RSV is a virus, so antibiotics are not effective.

Arexvy is a new vaccination designed to protect against lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It is an important advance, because no specific treatment for RSV is available, and infection is often severe.

Older adults, and those with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and lung diseases such as asthma and COPD are at the greatest risk of the infection. RSV can exacerbate these underlying conditions and lead to pneumonia.

In the UK, RSV causes more hospitalisations and deaths than flu in those over the age of 60. It is estimated that RSV causes14,000 hospitalisations and an estimated 8,000 deaths in adults 60 years of age and older each year.

Arexvy is a recombinant adjuvanted vaccine for the prevention of RSV is adults 60 years of age and above. It is the only licensed vaccination in the UK that has been authorised for use by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, meaning at risk adults are now able to be vaccinated against the disease.

Arexvy is as in inactive vaccination and only requires single dose for protection. It can be administered at the same time as other vaccinations including flu, pneumococcal, and COVID.

We are among the first practices in the UK to offer it to adults needing protection.

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Fleet Street Clinic receives ISO 27001 Accreditation

01.11.2023 Category: Clinic News Author: Charita Sopa

We are delighted to announce that Fleet Street Clinic, together with our optical practice, Whitby & Co. have achieved ISO 27001:2022 accreditation for excellent security practice across our business.

ISO 27001 is the ultimate benchmark for businesses to establish, implement, and maintain a strong information security management system.

With ever growing concern around data and cyber security, this achievement gives an additional layer of assurance to our patients and business partners alike, that our data security practices meet independently-assessed world-class quality standards.

ISO 27001 is the globally recognised standard for information security management, and we are proud of our team’s accomplishments.

‘The ISO 27001 certification gives reassurance to our current and future patients and business partners that information and data security has been, and continues to be, of the highest importance – I am proud of the entire team for this wonderful achievement.’

Dr Richard Dawood – Medical Director & Founder

Fleet Street Clinic and Whitby & Co. went through a rigorous audit, addressing risk factors across the business, and ensuring robust cyber security levels and business continuity were in place. This accreditation demonstrates our continuing commitment to risk management, cyber-resilience, digital defence and operational excellence.

Click to view our accreditation certificate.


More information on ISO 27001 accreditation

ISO 27001 accreditation details the requirements for businesses to securely manage information assets and data to an internationally recognised standard. It provides a robust approach for managing assets such as employee details, patient information, intellectual property, financial information and third-party data.

The accreditation requires the business to assess their information security risks, put in place robust security controls and processes, and embed information security management across the organisation.

Achieving accredited ISO 27001 certification demonstrates that a company is dedicated to following the best practices of information security. Additionally, ISO 27001 certification provides an expert evaluation of whether an organisation’s information is adequately protected.


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Enhancing Employee Well-being: Fleet St Clinic Champions Occupational Health Services

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