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Case Study: Seeing Beyond a Stool Sample

11.09.2024 Category: Case Study Author: Jenny Reyes

Here at Fleet Street Clinic, we have had many stool samples come through our laboratory. One recent clinical case using our in-house Full Gastrointestinal PCR Panel, presented unprecedented results.

Patient overview:

  • 51-year-old patient
  • Travelled to and from Pakistan for a trekking trip
  • The patient presented with a history of severe diarrhoea
  • Symptoms recorded: erratic bowel movement and weight loss.

Test results:

The PCR result came back quicky as positive for four pathogens:

  • Cyclospora cayetanensis,
  • Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC),
  • Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)/Shigella,
  • and Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)


This is highly unusual and it is little wonder why our patient was feeling so unwell with severe symptoms.

Our Biomedical Scientist, Jenny Reyes commented; “This is my first time in all of my time as a Biomedical Scientist to encounter such a result with four pathogens presenting all at once.”

Without our GI PCR test, this patient may have undergone many tests to identify the cause and may not have identified that the symptoms were the result of four simultaneous pathogens causing a mixed infection.

The advantage of a panel PCR test is its ability to identify the exact cause, enabling targeted treatment.

In this case, the clinician overseeing this patient’s care was able to tailor treatment to address all four identified pathogens simultaneously with precision.

Without this technology, diagnosing a mixed infection could have taken significantly longer, requiring multiple different tests to pinpoint each cause.

This would have increased the risk that only one pathogen would have been identified, leaving the symptoms caused by the others untreated even after addressing the diagnosed cause.

We encourage all patients with unexplainable gastrointestinal symptoms to consider the GI PCR Panel. It really does offer faster, more targeted care and can identify mixed infection with ease!


More information on our GI Panel:

Our Gastrointestinal Panel Test delivers accurate and reliable results quickly, often within a matter of hours.

It is capable of detecting any of the 23 commonest pathogens that cause diarrhoea – such as E. coli, campylobacter, norovirus salmonella, shigella and giardia, from a single stool sample – all that’s needed is a simple swab.

This supports our rapid diagnostic process, clinical management and educated treatment decisions which improve overall patient outcomes.

Learn more and book today

Sexual Health and Travel

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Case Study:
Covid-19 Crisis Management - Kenny Wax Productions

17.01.2022 Category: Case Study Author: Dr Richard Dawood

Throughout the pandemic we have supported many industries trying to navigate business-as-usual alongside managing the potential risk of coronavirus in the workplace.

Identifying covid-positive individuals as well as outbreaks is essential, but it is also important not to underestimate the peace of mind testing brings to employees who may be anxious about catching covid-19 in the work environment, especially those who have been in close contact with someone at work who has subsequently tested positive.

The creative arts industry has been particularly impacted by closures, and given  the close-contact nature of the theatre and performing arts sector, outbreaks do occur. The speed at which those infected can be identified can make all the difference between a show going ahead or being cancelled.

We have supported Kenny Wax Productions for the last 2 years with crisis management and routine testing using our ultra-rapid covid-19 rt-PCR testing service.

Here’s how we supported the production of MAGIC GOES WRONG during their Christmas crisis:

At 15:18 on New Year’s Day (a Saturday), we received a text to say that the entire cast of MAGIC GOES WRONG was heading straight to Fleet Street, following a positive result from one of their actresses. The only way the evening performance could go ahead was to determine whether covid-19 had spread throughout their cast, or not.

We understood the urgency of this situation and quickly and calmly took samples from a cast of 21 against the clock. We ran them through our lab at the same time, which can be quite a challenge. Since we knew that there would not be enough time to re-run samples, this needed to be done with special care. For us to be able to give Kenny the “thumbs up” to go ahead with the evening show, it was imperative we got things right the first time.

One of the best things about our NeuMoDx lab equipment is that we can load each sample as soon as it is taken, rather than waiting for the complete batch. We started running samples immediately, the last of them had finished running by 18:10, when we were able to assure Kenny that it was safe for the cast to go on with the show.

We were able to go from initial text enquiry to sample-taking and final, confirmed results for the entire cast in just over 3 hours.

Kenny Wax, the Producer of MAGIC GOES WRONG explains:

“Our West End hit MAGIC GOES WRONG had managed to avoid shutdown. However, an actress who had been feeling a little unwell leading up to New Year and continuously tested negative on lateral flows, finally came through with a positive test on Saturday morning 31st December. Hearing this news, the rest of the cast became very anxious about continuing performances until they were confident that covid had not spread throughout the company.

As Producer of the show, I was made aware of this information at 1.45pm. There was due to be a matinee at 2.30pm and an evening show at 7:30pm. We had no other option than to cancel the matinee but in an attempt to save the evening performance (a Saturday Night), at very short notice we attempted to get the whole company of 21 people PCR tested in the afternoon. To achieve almost the impossible everyone set off for the Fleet Street Clinic and by 6.10pm, we received the good news that the rest of the company had tested negative on the PCR and we were able to continue with the evening performance and the following two
shows on the Sunday. This not only saved us another financial blow due to cancellations at the box office, but we were able to provide entertainment to 1,500 customers across those three performances.

Dr Dawood’s staff at the Fleet Street Clinic are always polite, friendly and efficient. They fully understood the nuances of working with a West End theatre production company on a very tight deadline. I am very grateful for their continuing support and cannot recommend them highly enough.”

For more information on our corporate coronavirus testing services and other covid-19 support services.

Choosing the Right Corporate Healthcare Programme

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Choosing the Right Corporate Healthcare Programme

19.05.2019 Category: Corporate Healthcare Author: Caroline McKenzie

Are you considering setting up a corporate health programme for your company?

The benefits of introducing a workplace health and wellbeing programme are clear: it has been proven that a successful corporate wellbeing programme leads to higher productivity, decreases in absenteeism and lower staff turnover. Ultimately, if your employees feeling healthy and looked after at work, it allows them to  reach their potential and helps your company to achieve its business goals.

Perhaps as a result of the growing evidence in favour of such initiatives, businesses are now investing more than ever into corporate wellness programmes.

But with so many options available, how do you begin to create your own bespoke workplace programme? Firstly, be prepared to set aside time and budget. At the initial planning stage, there are several important factors to consider: how to structure the programme to your company’s ethos and business objectives, how to ensure staff involvement (at all levels), considering the size of your workplace, personalisation according to the needs of your company and the requirements of individual employees.

Fleet Street Clinic Corporate Wellbeing Programmes

At Fleet Street Clinic, we create bespoke corporate programmes across the UK. We work with companies of all sizes –  from local businesses to City firms to international media agencies. We have a wealth of medical experts available, from hypnotherapists, osteopaths, dieticians, and can offer all kinds of services on site such as flu jabs, health screens and GP services.

We deliver programmes designed to boost the health and happiness of your staff, building and strengthening your workforce. 

Want to find out more? You can visit our Corporate Healthcare Services page and make an enquiry. One of our Corporate Managers will be in touch soon. 

Flu Vaccination Programmes for Your Workplace

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