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Travel Clinic

Book your pre-travel consultation online

Book Appointment

A pre-travel consultation is an important part of travelling safely. Your travel consultation will be with one of our expert travel nurses. In which you can discuss necessary travel vaccinations, advised travel medicines and medical kits and also address any health concerns you may have in relation to your upcoming travel plans.

Service Price
Travel Consultation £28
Vaccinations and medications are at an additional fee.
Travel Vaccinations:
- - Rabies £54 per dose
- - Rabies - Rapid Course £54 per dose
- - Yellow Fever £79 per dose
- - Japanese Encephalitis £165 per dose
- - Tick-Borne Encephalitis £74 per dose
- - Dengue Fever £148 per dose
- - - Dengue Fever Antigen + Antibody Test £44
- - Typhoid £49 per dose
- - Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio £49 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Adult £74 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Child £67 per dose
- - Hepatitis B - Adult £57 per dose
- - Meningitis ACWY £77 per dose
Travel Medicines Dependent on travel medications required
Antimalarials From £35
Cholera - Dukoral £92
Medical Kits From £9.50
Covid-19 PCR Travel Tests From £85
Covid-19 Lateral Flow Travel Tests £59

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company

Travel Clinic

We are a leading independent specialist Travel Medicine centre. Here are a some of the things that set us apart from other travel clinics:

You’ll be looked after by knowledgeable, specialist nurses and doctors at the forefront of their field: all of us have postgraduate qualifications, personal travel experience and expert know-how to protect your health and help you make the most of your travels.

Our track record is second to none. We work with travellers of all types and backgrounds: backpackers on a budget, gap-year students, high-end safari-goers, journalists working in the world’s most dangerous places, and rock stars on tour. We can help with the most challenging projects and itineraries, from well-earned holidays to Mission Impossible (yes, really!).

We’ve been at the forefront of Travel Medicine for thirty years – we have an international reputation.

We are truly independent – you will receive careful attention and advice tailored to your exact needs, not from a template or website.

We stock the full range of travel vaccines, as well as all of the medicines, medical kits and health related products you may need: you’ll receive joined-up advice and care in a complete “one-stop shop.”

If your circumstances are complex, it is easy to arrange an appointment with one of our specialist Travel Doctors.

We look after returned travellers too – and have our own in-house laboratory for rapid diagnosis.

We meet the most demanding quality assurance standards – check out our credentials.

Take a look at the FAQs at the foot of this page to understand how the Fleet Street Clinic is unlike a pharmacy, NHS GP practice or a non-specialist clinic.

Last-minute travel plans? Come and see us for an urgent travel consultation Book Online

Some of the Travel Health Services we offer:

Travel Vaccinations

We offer the full range of travel vaccines, always in stock.

Come and see us for the most up-to-date recommendations and advice for your destination and travel plans, and to review any of your routine vaccinations that need to be updated.
Vaccines offer important protection against travel-related diseases, but we will also tell you about any other important precautions needed for your trip.
Consult our travel health specialists for the latest, personal advice.

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Travellers’ Diarrhoea

Travellers’ Diarrhoea (TD) is the most common health problem experienced by travellers to hot countries.
It is not always easy to obtain treatment abroad, especially if you are going to be in a remote area, or won't have easy access to skilled medical care.
We recommend travelling with a medical kit containing common treatment options, including a standby antibiotic for when symptoms are severe.
Ask about our kits when you come and see us, or use our online consultation to see if we can prescribe you antibiotics online.

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Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness results from ascending to high altitude without allowing enough time for your body to acclimatise and adjust. You can take preventative measures and medication to prevent and treat mountain sickness and its complications.

Book a travel consultation, or use our online consultation pathway to see if we can prescribe altitude medication online for you to take on your travels.

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Female Travel Health Kit Online Consultation

Gynaecological and urinary tract infections (UTIs) such as thrush and cystitis are more likely to occur during travel, especially in hot countries.

Our female travel health kit contains everything you'd need to help diagnose and treat gynae and UTI infections on the go.

Try our free online consultation to see if we can prescribe a female health kit for your trip.

Start online consultation


Malaria is a serious risk in some countries. There is currently no vaccine available to protect travellers against this devastating disease, but antimalarial medication is safe, effective and dramatically reduce your risk.
There are a number of options available and our specialist Travel Nurses will advise whether they are needed for your trip, and will help you choose the option that suits you best.

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Jet Lag Calculator

Jet lag is an unfortunate side effect of long distance travel across time zones. It can disrupt your body’s natural sleep, eating and mood patterns, resulting in fatigue, lack of enjoyment, and reduced work performance.

Try our jet lag calculator to understand how long it will take you to adjust, and to understand more about what can be done to reduce its impact.

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DVT Calculator

The risk of travel related deep vein thrombosis is increased by inactivity and immobility during long journeys including by plane, boat, train and car. Many other factors also increase your risk of getting DVT. Try our online DVT calculator to help review your risk factors, and to understand what you can do to reduce your risk.

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Help on your return

Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes persistent diarrhoea.
This is just one of an array of infections we commonly encounter in returned travellers.
If you are suffering from lingering symptoms such as diarrhoea, fever, rash, or feeling unwell, come and see us for prompt testing, diagnosis and treatment.

Post-Travel Services

Immune System Conditions

Your immune system helps to protect you from infections. If you have a medical condition such as cancer or take medication which alters your immune system, such as steroids or biologic agents, you will be more susceptible to some infections during travel, and at higher risk of severe infections and complications. You may also have a slower or lower response to vaccinations, and some vaccines may not be safe for you to receive.
Specialist doctors at the Fleet Street Clinic can offer you an expert consultation, giving you time to discuss your condition and risks of infection during your travel, and a tailored travel health plan including vaccinations, malaria and other prevention measures, that are appropriate and suitable for you. Phone Reception for an appointment with one of our specialist doctors.

Call us on +442073535678

Not sure what vaccinations you need?

Book a travel consultation with one of our specialist travel nurses.

During your travel consultation you will have plenty of time to discuss all your travel plans, and we'll advise you what travel vaccinations and travel medications you should consider. You can ask us about any issues of concerns, and our advice will be tailored to your travel plans and precise needs, to keep you healthy throughout your travels.

You know where you’re going. We know what you need.

Book Appointment

Absolutely Fantastic

My new go-to travel clinic, absolutely fantastic experience... and something unlikely to be said by someone with a phobia of needles who was booking travel jabs!

- Neil Goldwasser

Book your pre-travel consultation online

Book Appointment

A pre-travel consultation is an important part of travelling safely. Your travel consultation will be with one of our expert travel nurses. In which you can discuss necessary travel vaccinations, advised travel medicines and medical kits and also address any health concerns you may have in relation to your upcoming travel plans.

Service Price
Travel Consultation £28
Vaccinations and medications are at an additional fee.
Travel Vaccinations:
- - Rabies £54 per dose
- - Rabies - Rapid Course £54 per dose
- - Yellow Fever £79 per dose
- - Japanese Encephalitis £165 per dose
- - Tick-Borne Encephalitis £74 per dose
- - Dengue Fever £148 per dose
- - - Dengue Fever Antigen + Antibody Test £44
- - Typhoid £49 per dose
- - Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio £49 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Adult £74 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Child £67 per dose
- - Hepatitis B - Adult £57 per dose
- - Meningitis ACWY £77 per dose
Travel Medicines Dependent on travel medications required
Antimalarials From £35
Cholera - Dukoral £92
Medical Kits From £9.50
Covid-19 PCR Travel Tests From £85
Covid-19 Lateral Flow Travel Tests £59

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company



A pre-travel consultation is a comprehensive risk assessment with an expert travel nurse to discuss and prepare travellers for the health concerns that might arise during their trips. It is particularly important for those with complex itineraries and or a complicated health history.
If vaccinations are required, they will be administered during this appointment and any relevant certificates will be provided. The cost is £25, plus the cost of each vaccination dose in addition.

During your travel consultation, our travel nurse will discuss your medical history, any current medication you are taking and your travel itinerary.

It is helpful to bring with you any documentation or records of vaccinations you have had in the past, so we can avoid offering you anything that is not needed. Please also bring details of any medication you are taking, and details of your itinerary.

Yes. Our nurses need to complete a risk assessment with you, so that we can ensure we are ok to go ahead with your vaccinations. There will also be time for you to ask any further questions you may have about vaccinations and travel medicine recommendations.

If you are likely to be vaccinated, it is helpful to wear to wear loose comfortable clothing, or short sleeves, for ease of access to your upper arm.