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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

12.09.2024 Category: Cancer Author: Dr Belinda Griffiths

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

You may notice an increased amount of pink during this month, especially iconic pink ribbons, and it’s for a good reason: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This annual campaign aims to increase the awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. With the hope that in the not too distant future, a cure will be found!

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. 1 in 8 women in the UK will be diagnosed at some point in their lives.

In the UK, over 55,000 women each year are diagnosed with Breast Cancer which is the most common cancer. Thanks to research, more people are surviving breast cancer than ever before, yet there are still nearly 1,000 women who’ll die of breast cancer each month. Breast cancer is often thought of as something that only affects women, but men can get it in rare cases. It is important for males (especially those over 75 years with a high BMI) to check breast tissue for abnormalities as well.

We will be sharing important information on symptoms, causes and lifestyle alteration you can make to reduce your risk.

We are urging everyone, especially women, to check their breasts regularly and get checked out by a professional if something seems unusual for you.

REMEMBER: The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat and the better the chance of successful treatment.


  • a new lump or thickening in your breast, upper chest area or armpit
  • a change in size, shape or feel of your breast
  • skin changes in the breast such as puckering, dimpling, a rash or redness of the skin
  • fluid leaking from the nipple in a woman who isn’t pregnant or breastfeeding
  • changes in the position of the nipple
  • Unexplained pain in your breast or armpit that’s there all or almost all the time

How to check your breasts

Checking your breasts yourself means you’ll get to know what is “normal” for you. As a society we are probably not that familiar with how our body currently is and so that makes it difficult to know what subtle changes happen. It’s most likely that unless a dramatic change has occurred a subtle change will go unnoticed.

So, how do you check your breasts?
There is no special technique and you don’t need any training to start checking your breasts. It may feel like you’re unsure what you’re doing but get to know your body and any breast check is better than no breast check.

The easiest and most accurate way is to divide the breasts into four quadrants; the upper outer quadrant, outer lower quadrant, inner lower quadrant and inner upper quadrant. Examine each quadrant with the flat of your hand. It is important to do this regularly so that you are familiar with what each breast feels like normally. That way, should you notice any changes, (hopefully not), you will pick them up straight away and changes won’t go unnoticed. It is important to remember to check your armpits as well. It is surprising how many breast lumps are discovered after an “axillary” or armpit lymph node is found and checked.

Breast Cancer Now advises the TLC method – “touch, look and check”.

Touch: Can you feel anything new or unusual?
Look: Does anything look different?
Check: Any changes with your GP

Breast Cancer Awareness Check breastcancernow.org Fleet Street Clinic Well Woman Clinic London

You should check your breasts Regularly

Get to know your “normal” by checking your breasts regularly. Get in the habit of checking your breasts at least every month. It can be easier whilst in the bath or shower. 

Your breasts can change throughout your life for many reasons – like the menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding, or puberty. So, if you check them regularly, you’ll be able to spot any new or unusual changes that should be checked out by a GP.  

For young and pre-menopausal women it is advised to check mid-cycle (a week after their period finishes) if there are any changes this requires checking with your GP. 

As older women are of a higher risk of breast cancer, due to age, it is advised they check even more frequently. Older women should check on a monthly basis without exception. It is advised for men to check also.

Any lump requires attention and checking with your GP immediately.


In addition to regular self-checks, it is important to never miss a mammogram appointment. They may be painful and momentarily uncomfortable, but a mammogram can save your life. If you have a long wait for a mammogram, are unable to access an appointment or just want an additional check, contact the Fleet Street Clinic and we should be pleased to help.

What are the causes of breast cancer?

There are several factors that contribute to increasing your risk of developing breast cancer. There is no single cause, and has to do with our lifestyle, environment and genetics. There are factors which we simply cannot control such as getting older, family history, inherited genes, dense breast tissue, hormones and age at which period started and stopped. However, there are some lifestyle choices that if altered can reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Lifestyle change that will reduce your risk of breast cancer

1. Your weight

Being overweight or obese has a high risk of breast cancer in both men and women (especially after menopause). You can work out your ideal weight using a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator, this checks your height and weight to see if you are at a healthy weight. For the majority of adults an ideal BMI ranges from 18.5 to 24.9. A BMI between 25 – 30 means overweight. Obesity means a BMI of 30 and above.

2. How much alcohol you drink

Alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer. The risk is greater with each extra unit per day, the latest UK guidelines state no more than 14 units a week. 

3. How much exercise you do

Being inactive contributes to a small increased risk of breast cancer, this qualifies as doing less than 150min of moderate activity on a weekly basis. This does not necessarily mean sport and exercise, anything that makes you warmer and out of breath counts.

Throughout October we’ll be highlighting the reasons to support this campaign across our social media platforms. We will be sharing inspirational stories from those who have survived the disease and those who are currently battling.  We will also hear from those who have supported a suffering loved one during treatment. Sharing these stories humanises the disease and can provide support/tips for those who may be struggling with a current diagnosis. We will be sharing ways of checking for early warning signs. We’ll also be encouraging all to undertake a Well-Woman or Well-Man health checks. Both of which contain a breast examination.

At Fleet Street Clinic, we specialise in women’s health and have four female GPs on-site to facilitate well-woman health checks. Our Executive Well Woman medical is focused on protecting your well-being and involves a full examination including breast examinations and cervical screen tests. Our comprehensive medical is designed to screen for health problems at the earliest possible stage.

Book Your Well Woman Medical Online. Or if you notice any changes to your breast or have any concerns, you should book a GP appointment as soon as possible.


To find out more from Breast Cancer Now, visit breastcancernow.org

Preventing Cervical Cancer

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The Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer: Could Supermarket Loyalty Card Surveillance be the Key?

20.02.2023 Category: Cancer Author: Dr. Richard Dawood

Ovarian cancer is a disease that affects thousands of women worldwide each year and is often referred to as the silent killer due to its silent symptoms, including bloating, abdominal pain, and changes in bowel habits, which are often mistaken for other conditions. Despite advances in treatment, the disease remains a major public health concern due to its high mortality rate. However, new data from a study funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) suggests that a seemingly unlikely tool – supermarket loyalty card surveillance – could help spot ovarian cancer early, when it is most treatable. 

The study, which was published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, analysed data from supermarket loyalty card programs and found that changes in purchasing behaviour could be used to detect early signs of ovarian cancer.

Researchers found that women with ovarian cancer often experience a decline in their appetite and energy levels, which can result in changes in their grocery shopping habits. By monitoring these changes in real-time, it may be possible to detect the disease early and improve the chances of successful treatment. 

This is an exciting development in the fight against ovarian cancer, and one that has the potential to revolutionise the way we detect and treat the disease. By leveraging the vast amounts of data generated by supermarket card programs, healthcare providers and public health officials could identify women who may be at risk of ovarian cancer and encourage them to seek early medical attention. This could help to improve the outcomes of treatment and reduce the overall impact of the disease on society. 

One of the key benefits of supermarket card surveillance is that it allows for continuous monitoring of women’s purchasing behaviour. This means that healthcare providers can receive real-time alerts when changes occur, allowing them to act quickly and effectively. This level of monitoring is not possible with traditional screening methods, which are typically performed only once or twice per year and may miss early signs of the disease. 

Additionally, supermarket card surveillance is a cost-effective way to monitor the population for signs of ovarian cancer. Unlike other screening methods, it does not require specialised equipment or trained personnel, and the cost of monitoring is negligible compared to the cost of treatment. This could make it possible to implement large-scale screening programs, even in resource-limited settings, and reach a greater number of women who may be at risk of ovarian cancer. 

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that supermarket card surveillance is not a substitute for traditional screening methods, such as ultrasound or CA-125 tests, or for regular self-reporting and awareness of symptoms. However, it could be used as an adjunct to these methods, helping to improve the accuracy of screening and reduce the number of missed cases. 

Another important consideration is the privacy of women whose purchasing behaviour is being monitored. While supermarket card surveillance has the potential to help detect ovarian cancer early, it is important to ensure that women’s privacy is protected and that the data collected is used only for medical purposes. Healthcare providers and public health officials should work together to ensure that any monitoring programs are transparent, secure, and in compliance with privacy regulations. 

In conclusion, the findings of this study are a major step forward in the fight against ovarian cancer. By leveraging supermarket card surveillance, it may be possible to detect the disease early, when it is most treatable, and improve the outcomes of treatment for women around the world. However, it is important to carefully consider the privacy implications of monitoring purchasing behaviour and to ensure that any programs implemented are transparent, secure, and in compliance with privacy regulations. The early detection of ovarian cancer is a critical goal, and we hope that this research will help to pave the way for new and innovative approaches to screening and treatment. Additionally, women should be encouraged to seek medical attention if they notice any changes.

Reference Source: https://publichealth.jmir.org/2023/1/e41762 


Related services available at Fleet Street Clinic: 

Ovarian Cancer Check  

GP Services 

Ovarian Cancer Screenings

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How Dentists can help to spot Mouth Cancer

19.05.2019 Category: Dental Clinic Author: Temple Dental

With November being Mouth Cancer Awareness month, it is important to highlight the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer.

During a dental appointment, your dentist will naturally look for abnormalities within the mouth and these include signs of oral cancer. It is important that in between dental appointments you also take notice of what is going on inside your mouth. If you notice any changes is it essential you tell your dentist or doctor immediately.

Mouth cancer can develop in most parts of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, gums, cheek and the throat. If it is caught early, the chances of surviving mouth cancer are nine out of ten – those odds are pretty good, and that’s why early detection is so important.

– If in doubt, get checked out.

It can be hard to spot symptoms of mouth cancer, which is why it is important to regularly attend your dental appointments. Your dentist can perform a check-up and look for slight abnormalities that you might otherwise miss. If anything is found, your dentist will provide onward referral to a specialist for further investigation.

Given that early detection is so crucial for survival, it’s extremely important that we all know what to look out for. In between dental appointments you should look out for changes in your mouth health that could indicate mouth cancer.

Signs & Symptoms of Mouth Cancer:

Three signs and symptoms not to ignore are:

  • Ulcers which do not heal within three weeks.
  • Red and white patches in the mouth; or
  • Unusual lumps or swellings in the mouth or head and neck area.

If you notice anything unusual in your mouth, it’s advisable to make an appointment with your dentist.

Checking for Mouth Cancer:

When checking for signs of mouth cancer you should follow the following routine:

Head and neck

Check if both sides look the same and search for any lumps, bumps or swellings that are only on one side of the face. Feel and press along the sides and front of your neck being alert to any tenderness or lumps to the touch.


Pull down your lower lip and look inside for any sores or changes in colour. Use your thumb and forefinger to feel the lip for any unusual lumps, bumps or changes in texture. Repeat this on the upper lip.


Use your finger to pull out your cheek so that they can see inside. Look for red, white or dark patches.

Then place your index finger inside your cheek, with your opposing thumb on the outside gently squeeze and roll the cheek to check for any lumps, tenderness or ulcers, repeat this action on the other cheek.

The roof of the mouth

With your head tilted back and mouth open wide, your dentist will look to see if there are any lumps or if there is any change in colour. They will run their finger on the roof of your mouth to feel for any lumps.


Examine your tongue, looking at the surface for any changes in colour or texture.

Stick out your tongue or move it from one side to another, again looking for any swelling, change in colour or ulcers. Finally, take a look at the underside of the tongue by placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

The floor of the mouth

Look at the floor of the mouth for changes in colour that are different than normal. Press your finger along the floor of your mouth and underside of your tongue to feel for any unusual lumps, swellings or ulcers.

If you find anything unusual in any of these areas, or are unsure of anything, visit your dentist or doctor as soon as possible.

The best ways to prevent mouth cancer:

  • Cut down on alcohol consumption;
  • Cut down or stop smoking;
  • Getting the HPV vaccine, Gardasil 9; and
  • Enjoy a healthy diet.

Risk Factors Mouth Cancer Fleet Street Clinic

You can book a dental appointment with Temple Dental.

Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

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Ovarian Cancer Screenings

19.05.2019 Category: Cancer Author: Dr Belinda Griffiths


A vital month raising awareness of ovarian cancer to improve early diagnosis to save lives.

More women died from ovarian cancer in the UK (4,227) than from all other gynaecological cancers combined in 2016, according to Cancer Research UK. However, worryingly one in five women in the UK (22%) mistakenly believe that a smear test (cervical screening) can detect ovarian cancer, according to research Target Ovarian Cancer carried out with YouGov.

We are committed to raising awareness of the disease.

Speak to one of our female GP’s about any concerns you may have about your gynaecological history and your families medical history. During your consultation, we will also conduct a breast check and pelvic examination.

“In the UK a woman dies every two hours from ovarian cancer, but the earlier the diagnosis the better the chances are”

Professor Hani Gabra – Director of Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre

What is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is when abnormal cells in the ovary begin to grow and divide in an uncontrolled way and eventually form a growth (tumour). Every year 7,300 women in the UK are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Who can get ovarian cancer?

The risk of developing ovarian cancer increases as you get older. The most common type of ovarian cancer is epithelial ovarian cancer, this usually occurs in women older than 50 years old. We don’t know exactly what causes epithelial ovarian cancer. But some factors may increase or reduce the risk.

Factors that increase the risk include:

  • getting older
  • inherited faulty genes
  • having breast cancer before

Factors that may reduce the risk include:

  • taking the contraceptive pill
  • having children
  • breastfeeding

Ovarian Cancer is notoriously difficult to spot.

With non-specific symptoms in the early stages. It is hoped that this new method of early diagnosis could help save lives.

How to recognise the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer:

Early Ovarian Cancer symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions, these some to watch out for:

  • Persistent bloating – not bloating that comes and goes
  • Pain in the lower stomach and pelvis
  • Difficulty Eating and feeling full quickly
  • Back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Change in bowel habits

What should you do if you’re worried?

It is important to contact your GP as soon as possible if you spot any symptoms that are abnormal for you.
We understand talking about your concerns and having an examination can be quite worrying and for some, embarrassing, therefore, to make you as comfortable as possible, all our well woman services are booked with a female GP.

There is an Ovarian Cancer Blood Test – CA 125 available

Levels of protein CA125 in the blood are recognised as a marker for ovarian cancer. This simple and effective blood test will detect early stages of ovarian cancer. You can either have this as a stand-alone blood test or add it on to your medical for an additional cost. Please inquire for prices..

Target Ovarian Cancer
Cancer Research UK

For more information about Fleet Street Clinic’s Women’s Health Services.

You can also book a GP appointment online.

Preventing Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (#CCPW)

14.03.2019 Category: Cancer Author: Dr Belinda Griffiths

This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (#CCPW) and we’d like to remind all our patients that cervical cancer can be fatal – It is the most common cancer in women aged 35 and under.

Current UK statistics state:

> 2 women lose their lives to the disease every day

> 9 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every day

> 75% of cervical cancers can be prevented by a smear test

Thousands of lives can be saved every year with better awareness and understanding of the symptoms of cervical cancer. Regular smear tests and having the HPV vaccine can dramatically decrease your chances of developing cervical cancer and will also assist in early detection.
Smear tests are extremely important and a major contributing factor to lowering the number of cervical cancer cases seen each year. On average, cervical screening helps save the lives of approximately 4,500 women in England every year, however, 1 in 4 women still don’t attend their smear test. 


Smear tests are a method of detecting abnormal cells on the cervix, (the entrance to the womb). The detection and removal of abnormal cells can prevent cervical cancer from developing. As with all cancers, the earlier a problem is detected, the better the patient’s outcome.

Information on Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is not thought to be hereditary.
Cervical screening is not a test for cancer as screening programmes help to prevent cancer by detecting early abnormalities in the cervix, so they can be treated. If these abnormalities are left untreated they can lead to cancer of the cervix (the neck of the womb).


Cervical Cancer Symptoms - Fleet Street Clinic, London, Wellwoman Clinic

For more information: www.jostrust.org.uk

Book an appointment at our Well Woman clinic today

Wear It Pink

19.10.2018 Category: Cancer Author: Lisa-Marie Ryan

Breast Cancer Now’s ‘Wear it Pink’ day is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK.
Thousands of amazing people will ‘Wear It Pink’ in their communities, schools or workplaces for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now. This Friday 19th October the staff of Fleet Street will show off their best pink garments to raise awareness and show solidarity for such a great charity.

                       ‘’This year, 55,000 women will hear the words “it’s breast cancer”

Breast Cancer Now supports nearly 450 of the world’s best researchers across the UK and Ireland. Working together to help prevent breast cancer, help improve the lives of those dealing with it now and most importantly stop people from dying from the disease. Research holds the key to a future where all that changes. Ensuring women get to enjoy their best life whether that be watching their children grow up or travelling the globe. It’s about making sure women are always able to create a lifetime of memories with the people they love.
The Fleet Street Clinic is championing Breast Cancer Now’s goal, that by 2050, everyone who develops breast cancer will live – and live well. By our staff wearing pink, raising awareness and donating we can help get there and make life-saving research happen.

Well Woman Services

We have four female GPs specialising in women’s health. Women’s health is a focus for us, and one of our highest priorities.
Our Well Woman health checks are focused on protecting your well-being and meeting your exact needs. Each comprehensive medical is tailored to your circumstances and designed to screen for health problems at the earliest possible stage.

Well-woman health checks include:

  • Recording your height, weight and body mass index (BMI)
  • Blood pressure
  • Breast examination (and instruction on breast self-examination)
  • Cervical smear test
  • Pelvic examination
  • Urine test
  • Blood tests

Book your Well Woman Medical today.