Tag: health checks
Bowel Cancer in the UK
The beginning of April marked the start of Bowel Cancer Awareness month. Bowel cancer is very treatable and one of the most common cancers in the UK.
40,000 cases are diagnosed every year. 1 in every 20 people will develop bowel cancer in their life time.
Symptoms of bowel cancer are often ones that you may find difficult to talk about or explain to your doctor. Nobody enjoys an uncomfortable conversation, especially when it comes to being candidly honest about something so private but the earlier it’s diagnosed, the greater the chance of survival is. It’s difficult, but let’s talk about it.
- Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your bowel movements
- A change in your bowel habits that lasts three weeks or longer
- Sudden and unexplained weight loss
- Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
- A pain or a lump in your stomach
Currently we do not know what causes this cancer. We have been able to identify some factors that can increase your risk of getting the disease:
- Aged over 50
- A strong family history of bowel cancer
- Being overweight or obese
- Lack of exercise and being inactive
- Longstanding inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
There is no way to 100% prevent bowel cancer unfortunately. Things like family history, you cannot change.
However, there are some ways you can help yourself as recommended by the NHS.
- Improve your diet – eat less processed foods and red meat, eat more fish and fibre
- It is recommended that adults exercise for at least 2.5 hours a week
- Making sure you are a ‘healthy’ weight
- Stop smoking
- Cut down on alcohol
You can read all about these tips here on the NHS website.
If you are concerned about possible symptoms and are not eligible for NHS screening (aged between 60 – 74 and registered with a GP), you can make an appointment to speak with one of our experienced GPs (male or female GP’s).
If you need advice, get in touch with our expert GP’s and dietician at Fleet Street Clinic.
To book an appointment, head to our online booking system here. Alternatively, call us on 020 7353 5678 or email us at info@fleestreetclinic.com.
5 excellent ways the Fleet St, Clinic’s occupational health services can benefit employee health and well being:
- Recruiting a new employee? Arrange a pre-placement assessment.
Why? The OH nurse or doctor can check whether the employee is fit to undertake the role. If any health concerns are identified, s/he can make recommendations, where appropriate, to promote the employee’s well being and health at work. - Staff reporting back problems? Arrange an ergonomic assessment.
Why? It could be that your employee’s workplace arrangement is causing or contributing to the problem. Our ergonomics consultant can assess their workplace in relation to the problem(s) reported/diagnosed and provide advice and recommendations on how to reduce symptoms. - A staff member returning to work after illness? Arrange a Fitness Assessment.
Why? Employees and employers can benefit from advice and recommendations on how best for the employee to enter back into work to minimise risk of relapse and aid a successful and healthy return to work. - Assigning one of your employees to a project abroad? Arrange a pre-deployment medical.
Why? Depending on the assignment and location, working abroad can increase stresses on the individual and often with limited access to medical care. A pre-deployment medical can assess whether the employee is fit to undertake the post, provide advice and recommendations to promote their health while away and advise on any travel precautions to prevent illness.
You can find out more about our occupational health services here.
Alternatively, fill out the form below and we’ll propose suitable services for your consideration.