Severe Flu Season predicted for the UK

24.08.2017 Category: Flu Jabs Author: Dr Richard Dawood


Following particularly bad flu seasons in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia, the NHS has been told to prepare for a severe winter flu epidemic, the BBC reported today.

The Chief Executive of the NHS Simon Stevens said,

“The signs from Australia and New Zealand, who are just coming out of their winter, are that it has been a heavy flu season and many of the hospitals down there have struggled to cope.”

Research indicates that health services in Australia and New Zealand are recording double the amount of cases of flu this winter, compared to the average of the previous 5 years.

Every year, a few different strains of flu circulate and one normally becomes dominant. In Australia and New Zealand, the H3N2 strain has been the main problem. The good news is, that if the UK flu season follows the same pattern, the vaccine produced for Winter Flu 2017/ 18 is effective against this strain.

Source: The BBC

Flu Vaccinations at FluJabs.Org – the flu vaccination programme from Fleet Street Clinic

Fleet Street Clinic offers a flu vaccination service for businesses and individuals between September 2017 and February 2018. Adults and children are welcome at our Fleet Street Flu Jabs drop-clinic. Flu Jabs are offered on a walk-in basis (to attend at a specific time, please book an appointment with a doctor or nurse, a separate appointment fee applies).


Our service runs Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm. (PLEASE NOTE:  these hours are shorter than those offered for other services at Fleet Street Clinic). Book your appointment today.

If you have any further questions about the flu jab or other travel vaccinations, our experienced team of nurses can help.

World Asthma Day 2017

19.05.2017 Category: General Health Author: Dr Belinda Griffiths

Asthma – affecting millions around the globe

Today is World Asthma Day. Asthma is a very common respiratory condition, with 300 million people affected globally.  And the numbers of asthma sufferers is increasing each year.

At Fleet Street Clinic we deal with asthma-related complaints on a regular basis and stock medication for dealing with symptoms.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways, which narrow and can become blocked with mucus, leading to breathing difficulties.

Some may grow out of asthma, whilst others will have to manage the condition for life.

Asthma sufferers may notice wheezing, coughing, breathlessness and a tight chest. Severe symptoms may leave sufferers struggling to breathe which results in an asthma attack.

Treatment can be provided with inhalers and various steps can be taken to deal with asthma triggers to lessen symptoms.


World Asthma Day

Managing Your Asthma

Managing your asthma is very important to maintaining your health. Keep a diary of asthma flare-ups to see if you notice any particular triggers and visit your doctor regularly for check-ups. If your symptoms worsen, make sure to seek medical help without delay.

Travel and Asthma

If you are travelling, make sure to check you have the medication necessary for your trip. Remember hayfever seasons can vary around the world. Fleet Street Clinic stock necessary medication to cover any last-minute requirements.

If you think you may have asthma, book a GP appointment today.