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Why You Should Travel With A Medical Kit

08.07.2024 Category: Travel Health Author: Lucy Mildren

Every year, Brits take more than 70 million trips abroad. Most notably for holidays, business trips and to visit family and friends. Whilst the majority of people have a safe trip, some people do experience illness or have an accident. In most cases, minor accidents and illnesses don’t require a visit to a medical centre or hospitalisation and can be self-treated with the help of a medical kit.

Where you are travelling to and the activities you plan to do there will dictate what type of medical kit(s) you would need.

Essential First Aid Kit £27

If you are planning to travel outside of a major city, you’re best to travel with an Essential First Aid Kit. It’s very easy to get scratched, twist an ankle or develop a blister. Particularly if you’re sight-seeing, hiking or even just taking a trip to the beach. Having a few essential supplies handy will reduce the need for a trip to the local chemist. Inside this kit, you will find items aimed at treating minor cuts, grazes, blisters, cleaning wounds, minor burns and sprains.

Worldwide Travellers’ Diarrhoea Kit £29.95

When you travel to a developing country, you have a high likelihood of catching a stomach bug. Also known as traveller’s diarrhoea. This is not always brought on by unsafe water and can be due to a change in diet or the high levels of impurities in the local water that you’re not used to. However, if the cause is a microorganism such as bacteria, parasite or virus, your symptoms may be much more severe and lead to complications. Travelling with a Worldwide Gastro Kit covers all eventualities. Including preventative items, plus medications for common symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dehydration and travellers diarrhoea.

Sterile Needle Kit £9.50

The adventure traveller is likely to travel to remote areas where medical supplies are not sterilised to a safe standard or medical care in a hospital setting is not available at all. In these scenarios, it is safest to travel with a Sterile Needle Kit. This kit is to be provided to a medical professional to be used for medical emergencies such as a blood transfusion, fluid replacement, general vaccinations or blood tests. This kit is to reduce the spread of diseases such as HIV & Hep B.

Female Health Kit £29.95

There are many female-specific health concerns that may occur whilst travelling. Unfortunately, urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and thrush (yeast infections) are common among female travellers. Therefore travelling with a Female Health Kit is highly recommended.

Travelling with a fit-for-purpose medical kit is not glamorous. However, you’ll be glad you have it if you suffer any mishaps. Saving you time, money and stress involved in finding a local chemist, medical centre or hospital quickly when you are abroad. And if you don’t, then at worst you’ve lost out on a tiny amount of suitcase space.

Before International Travel you should consider a pre-travel consultation with a specialist travel nurse to discuss the health risks at your destination. You can book a travel appointment online or email us for more information at info@fleetstreetclinic.com.

Travel Consultations – Why So Important?

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How to Avoid a UTI When Travelling

02.02.2024 Category: Travel Health Author: Lucy Mildren

UTIs can strike unexpectedly, casting a shadow over an otherwise fantastic holiday.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or embarking on your first adventure, the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) is real and more likely to occur during travel, especially in hot countries 

This blog compiles expert advice and practical tips to empower you to minimise the chances of developing a troublesome UTI during your travels. 

1. Stay hydrated

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent UTIs is to stay well-hydrated. Proper hydration helps flush bacteria out of your urinary system, reducing the likelihood of infection.

Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and avoid excessive consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.

Bring a reusable water bottle and make a habit of refilling it throughout the day, ensuring you have access to clean and safe drinking water wherever you are. 

2. Don’t delay going to the toilet 

It can be tempting to “hold it in” during long journeys, delayed or remote travel but putting off going to the bathroom can cause UTIs.

Holding your bladder for too long can contribute to the growth of bacteria in your urinary tract. Since urination flushes bad bacteria out of the bladder before they get a chance to multiply to dangerous levels, going to the toilet as soon as you can means less bacteria are left to sit in your bladder for longer than necessary, reducing your risk of a painful infection. 

Remember, maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial in preventing gynaecological infections, particularly UTIs and cystitis. When travelling, it’s essential to prioritise cleanliness. Carry antibacterial wipes to clean your hands before and after using public toilets.   

3. Choose comfortable clothing

Believe it or not, your choice of clothing can impact your risk of developing UTIs. Tight-fitting clothes, especially in the pelvic area, can trap moisture and create an environment conducive to bacterial growth.  

Opt for loose-fitting, breathable fabrics to allow proper air circulation. Additionally, change out of wet bathing suits promptly to prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

By paying attention to your wardrobe choices, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing uncomfortable infections during your travels. 

4. Treat constipation 

Exploring new cuisines can lead to various challenges for travellers. While some may grapple with traveller’s diarrhoea, others might experience constipation due to altered eating patterns, dehydration, increased alcohol consumption, and a more sedentary lifestyle. 

Unfortunately, constipation increases your risk of contracting a UTI. To mitigate this risk, aim to eat a diet rich in fibre, stay active, and drink plenty of water. 

5. Carry a female health kit with you whilst you travel 

If you experience any symptoms of a UTI or gynaecological infection, it’s crucial to have medications on hand so you can continue your holiday or travel unaffected. 

Carrying a female health kit with you whilst you travel means you can detect and treat your UTI symptoms whilst on-the-go. It contains urine test strips which can confirm if you have a urine infection as well as antibiotics and cystitis relief sachets to alleviate symptoms of inflammation. 

Symptoms of a UTI may include frequent and painful urination, lower abdominal discomfort, blood in your urine, a high temperature or lower back pain. 

Take our free online consultation to see if you can buy a female health kit online. 

Remember, in addition to self-treatment, it’s crucial to seek prompt medical attention, especially if symptoms worsen. 

Your travel experience should be memorable for all the right reasons, not marred by the discomfort of a urinary tract infection.

By following these essential tips – from prompt bathroom breaks, to arming yourself with the right travel medicine – you can significantly reduce the risk of encountering a UTI while abroad.  

Our female health kits are designed for travel and contain everything you would need to treat and alleviate symptoms for a urinary or gynaecological infection.  Begin by completing our free online consultation today 

Whether you’re prone to urinary tract infections, or have never experienced one before, it’s a good idea to buy a female health kit  before any trip or holiday and arm yourself against the discomfort and misery of a UTI while abroad. 

Fleet St. Clinic is here to support your well-being whilst you travel.
Stay healthy, stay informed, and make the most of your travels! 


Related services available at Fleet Street Clinic 

Specialist Travel Clinic

Travel Vaccinations

Travellers’ Diarrhoea Medication Online Consultation

New Dengue Fever Vaccine; Qdenga

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