Travel Vaccinations

- Good Stock Available For All Travel Vaccines - book online

Book your travel vaccinations online

Book Appointment

All travel vaccinations require a travel consultation with one of our specialist travel nurses. You can discuss your travel plans and they can advise on which vaccinations and travel medications you should consider before travelling.

Travel Consultation £28
Vaccinations and medications are at an additional fee.
Travel Vaccinations
- - Rabies £54 per dose
- - Rabies - Rapid Course £54 per dose
- - Yellow Fever £79 per dose
- - Japanese Encephalitis £165 per dose
- - Tick-Borne Encephalitis £74 per dose
- - Dengue Fever £148 per dose
- - Typhoid £49 per dose
- - Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio £49 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Adult £74 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Child £67 per dose
- - Hepatitis B - Adult £57 per dose
- - Meningitis ACWY £77 per dose
- - Cholera £92
Travel Medication Dependent on advised medication required
Antimalarials From £35
Altitude Medication From £21.50
We also have a variety of personal Medical Kits available.
Please visit our Online Shop for more information.

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company

Travel Vaccinations

We are an internationally-known specialist Travel Clinic. You can rely on us for all your travel health needs and can be completely certain to find every travel vaccine, always in stock. 

Book a travel consultation with one of our specialist travel nurses for the latest advice on vaccines and any other precautions recommended for your next trip, and to discuss any other travel health issues you are worried about. If you are heading to a country where malaria is a risk, we will provide expert advice on malaria prevention and antimalarial medication, tailored to your travel plans, medical history and personal preferences.

For more complex requirements, such as travel with a pre-existing medical condition, there is also the option to book in with one of our specialist travel doctors, for a more detailed review.

Please bring any available details of past vaccinations when you come.

As a specialist Travel Clinic, we can also help if you are unwell on return home.

For in-depth travel advice, travel vaccinations and customised care to protect your health, wellbeing, enjoyment and peace of mind while away, come to us for all your travel health needs.

Travelling at short notice and need an urgent appointment? Call +44 20 7353 5678

Not sure what vaccinations you need?

Book a travel consultation with one of our specialist travel nurses.

At your appointment with our Travel Nurses, you will be able to discuss all your travel plans, and we will advise you about travel vaccinations and any travel medications and other precautions you should consider. We will provide personalised advice, taking your itinerary, individual needs and concerns into account, and creating a bespoke health plan to keep you healthy throughout your travels.

You know where you’re going. We know what you need.

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Travel Vaccinations available at Fleet St. Clinic:


Animal bites, licks and scratches pose a serious (and potentially fatal) Rabies risk in many parts of the world, especially if you will be travelling off the beaten track. Risk is often highest in places where safe vaccines, and correct advice and treatment following exposure, are not easily available.

Rabies vaccination before you go is therefore a safe and sensible precaution for every serious traveller, and we are experts at it.
We can also help with rabies post-exposure treatment and advice, if you have been bitten while abroad.

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Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever is a potentially fatal disease spread by mosquitoes. For some countries, proof of vaccination is needed as a condition of entry. For others, vaccination is strongly advisable for your own protection. It can be prevented with a single dose of yellow fever vaccine; which offers life-long protection.

We are an officially designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, and can advise you whether yellow fever vaccine is recommended and appropriate for your itinerary and personal medical circumstances.

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Japanese Encephalitis

Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is a life-threatening viral infection of the brain and nervous system which is spread from animals to humans via infected bites from Culex mosquitoes.

It occurs in many parts of Asia and has also recently become a problem in rural parts of Australia. There is no specific cure for the illness, and because it can be so serious, vaccination is advisable if you will be at risk. We can help you decide.

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Tick-Borne Encephalitis

Tick-Borne Encephalitis causes a severe infection of the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, which can lead to complications and severe disability.

Since it is spread by ticks, the risk is greatest for people spending time outdoors in affected areas, especially during spring and summer months. A safe and effective vaccine is available.

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Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is an unpleasant viral infection spread by bites from infected Aedes mosquitoes. Risk areas include much of Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and parts of Africa.

QDenga is a new travel vaccine that can prevent dengue fever.

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Cholera is a food and water borne infection that can cause severe diarrhoea and fluid loss.
A vaccine is available, taken as a drink rather than an injection, and may be recommended for travel to the riskiest destinations. It may also provide a low level of protection against certain other causes of travellers' diarrhoea.

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Typhoid fever is a highly contagious food-borne bacterial infection caused by contaminated food and water, and a risk in many hot countries and wherever food hygiene is poor.

Vaccination by injection or with oral capsules is available.

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Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio

The combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and polio provides important protection.

Although most people are vaccinated in childhood, protection is not lifelong, and an update is generally recommended every 10 years, especially if you will be travelling abroad. We can help you check if you need protection.

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Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious virus that can result in severe liver inflammation, liver failure and even death.
Hepatitis A is easily spread through contaminated food and water. The vaccine is safe, highly effective and long-lasting, and strongly recommended for travellers to many parts of the world - including most parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

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Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a highly contagious blood borne and sexually transmissible virus infection that can lead to liver failure and cancer.
Transmission can result from unprotected sex, piercing, needle-sharing, and medical or dental care with non-sterile needles or instruments pose the chief risk to travellers.
We recommend vaccination for anyone at risk.

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Meningitis ACWY

Meningitis ACWY is a vaccine that protects against 4 types of meningococcal bacteria that can cause meningitis and septicemia.
While all adults can benefit from the vaccine, it is particularly important for those about to attend university for the first time, and for travel abroad, particularly parts of Africa (the "meningitis belt" in the Sahel). It is a requirement for travel on the Hajj and Umrah to Saudi Arabia.

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Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne virus that was first identified in Tanzania in 1952.
It can cause a debilitating infection in people of all ages. It is spread by the bites of Aedes mosquitoes belonging to two species, one which predominates in urban parts of the tropics, and the other which is increasingly found more temperate regions, raising the prospect of increasing future spread to regions such as southern Europe.

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I could not recommend Fleet Street Clinic more highly.

From the first phone call to book through to the final appointment, they have been attentive, kind and go the extra mile for their customers to ensure a stress-free experience. Every member of staff was inordinately lovely and personable.

I would definitely advocate even the primary consultation with this clinic if you are travelling anywhere needing vaccines; they are really honest with what each vaccine does, and the risks associated with not taking it before your travel. Great service, and would always go back here for any other vaccines needed.

Beth Owen

Book your travel vaccinations online

Book Appointment

All travel vaccinations require a travel consultation with one of our specialist travel nurses. You can discuss your travel plans and they can advise on which vaccinations and travel medications you should consider before travelling.

Travel Consultation £28
Vaccinations and medications are at an additional fee.
Travel Vaccinations
- - Rabies £54 per dose
- - Rabies - Rapid Course £54 per dose
- - Yellow Fever £79 per dose
- - Japanese Encephalitis £165 per dose
- - Tick-Borne Encephalitis £74 per dose
- - Dengue Fever £148 per dose
- - Typhoid £49 per dose
- - Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio £49 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Adult £74 per dose
- - Hepatitis A - Child £67 per dose
- - Hepatitis B - Adult £57 per dose
- - Meningitis ACWY £77 per dose
- - Cholera £92
Travel Medication Dependent on advised medication required
Antimalarials From £35
Altitude Medication From £21.50
We also have a variety of personal Medical Kits available.
Please visit our Online Shop for more information.

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company

Our Travel Doctors & Nurses:


Yes. Our initial travel consultations last 30-minutes, which allows plenty of time to review your medical history, discuss your travel plans and to administer the first dose of all the vaccines you require.

We advise that you attend an appointment as early as possible to discuss your travel health needs. Some vaccinations require multiple doses and may take up to 4 weeks to complete a full course. However, it is never too late to vaccinate and even if you are departing at short notice for a last-minute trip, we can still help provide useful protection.

This varies between vaccines. In general it can take up to 2 weeks following the last dose of a vaccine to reach full protection. However, some worthwhile protection usually begins right away.

We pride ourselves on being able to deliver all travel vaccinations year round and aim to always carry a full stock of every vaccine even when there are shortages and our competitors struggle to source them.

Our nurses are experienced in vaccinating children and administering vaccinations to groups. If you require a group booking please call or email the clinic to ensure that we can allocate sufficient time for the appointment

We get asked this a lot. Some travel vaccinations are mandatory as a condition of entry. However, mandatory vaccines are generally aimed solely at protecting the country you are visiting from the spread of disease. By contrast, recommended vaccines for your destination are the ones that are deemed individually advisable to keep travellers safe from disease and infection whilst travelling.

Some vaccines are “routine” the baseline vaccines recommended by bodies such as Public Health England, usually as childhood immunisations for children, and wellness vaccines for adults. They offer protection against a range of serious preventable illnesses. Note that some vaccines that offer valuable protection are not necessarily “routine” – for example, chickenpox vaccine has only recently been added to this list, and not for all age groups.

Some countries have mandatory vaccination regulations, which means you must have proof of certain vaccinations to support your visa application and/or in order to enter the country. These are classed as “required” vaccines, and are aimed at protecting countries from importation of infection. In most cases, if you fail to meet the requirements, you risk being denied entry into that country.

“Recommended” vaccines are those deemed to be advisable – the ones that experts recommend to protect travellers’ health whilst travelling, even if they aren’t required for entry by the government of the country you are visiting. Your age, health, and what you plan to do whilst travelling will determine what vaccines our travel team will recommend you to have. They are not mandatory, but they help reduce the risk of preventable infection.

Travelling outside of the UK can expose you to illnesses rarely seen in the UK. There are many travel-related diseases which are severe and can be life-threatening, such as rabies and Yellow Fever. The best way to protect yourself against these diseases is vaccination. Travel vaccines have saved many lives and ensured many people enjoy their holidays. It is important to consider all vaccines recommended by our travel nurses.