Hepatitis B shortage

12.08.2018 Category: News Author: Dr Richard Dawood

Public Health England has implemented emergency measures to ensure the Hepatitis B vaccine is protected for those who need it most, due to severe shortages in the supply of the vaccine.

The UK is a low-risk country for Hepatitis B those most at risk are babies. The Hepatitis B vaccination has recently been added to the standard NHS immunisation schedule, which is not affected by the current shortage.

Individuals can reduce their risk of contracting hepatitis B through avoiding unprotected sex and injecting drugs, avoiding getting tattoos, piercings or acupuncture when overseas, and avoiding medical or dental care in high risk countries unless absolutely necessary.

A spokesperson for Public Health England said “We think there will be shortages until early 2018 so we are urging people to make sure they are taking the right precautions while the shortage is ongoing.”

For all those needing vaccination and immunisation support, Fleet Street Clinic offers expert travel advice, occupational health assessments and a dedicated vaccination clinic with expert medics for all those needing vaccination and immunisation support.

Our Travel Clinic can provide you with all the vaccines you need.

All of our travel and wellness vaccination appointments are available to book online.

Hepatitis Claiming More Lives than HIV

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