Meningitis B vaccination

Book your Meningitis B vaccination online

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Meningitis B Vaccine Price
Single Meningitis B Vaccination £112
Course of Treatment: 2 doses £224
Price per course including nurse fee £252

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Meningitis B Vaccination

Meningitis is a bacterial infection which causes the inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. The “B” strain of meningococcal meningitis currently accounts for the majority of cases of meningitis in the UK, and the majority of deaths.

Meningitis B is most common in babies under 1, but can affect anyone. Whilst the infection is treatable, it can be fatal in about 1 in 10 cases. The meningitis B vaccine represents a major technological breakthrough: for many years, it seemed that a vaccine against B strains of meningitis would be too difficult to produce.

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Who should be vaccinated against meningitis B?

The meningitis B vaccine is recommended for babies.

It is usually given to babies at 8 and 16 weeks, with a booster at 1 year.

The vaccine is also recommended for people with some long-term health conditions who are at greater risk of serious health complications following a meningitis infection.

How many doses of the Meningitis B vaccine is required?

Children aged 2 to 10 years require 2 vaccine doses with at least a 2-month interval between the doses.

Adults and Adolescents (from 11 years) require 2 vaccine doses with at least a 1-month interval between the doses.

Since the vaccine is still relatively new, it is not yet known if these age groups will need booster doses in future, in order to maintain protection. One of our nurses will explain the vaccination programme in more detail during your appointment.

How does the vaccine work?

The vaccine we use is called 'Bexsero' and it contains major proteins from group B Neisseria meningitidis bacteria.

They work by stimulating the immune system to protect against future exposures to meningococcal bacteria. Bexsero is not a live vaccine.

We have good stock available.

What is meningitis B?

Meningitis B is a bacterial infection caused by the B strain of Neiseria meningitidis bacteria.

Like other types of meningococcal meningitis, meningitis B infection causes infection and inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

It can also lead to blood poisoning (septicaemia).

Meningitis B can progress quickly and can kill within 24 hours.

Prior to the introduction of the vaccine, meningitis B killed more children under the age of 5 years old than any other infectious disease. Even with treatment, 20 percent of survivors can be left with long-term disabilities or brain damage.

How is meningitis B spread?

Meningitis B spreads from person-to-person via droplets, or by close personal contact.

Like other types of meningococcal meningitis, infection spreads via infectious droplets and can be transmitted from person to person by close or prolonged contact, including kissing, coughing, sneezing or spending time in close proximity to an infected individual.

What are the symptoms of meningitis B?

The symptoms of all strains of meningococcal disease include:

  • High temperature
  • Neck stiffness
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Nausea or vomiting/ diarrhoea
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • A spotty purple rash consisting of tiny blood spots in the skin – that does not blanch fade under pressure

Book your Meningitis B vaccination online

Book Appointment

Meningitis B Vaccine Price
Single Meningitis B Vaccination £112
Course of Treatment: 2 doses £224
Price per course including nurse fee £252

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company


Meningitis B vaccine is highly effective, providing protection in the range of 85 to 100 percent. In the three years following its introduction in the UK, the overall number of cases of meningitis B in infants fell by 75%

In infants and children, the most common reaction has been a fever and some swelling around the injection site.

Infant paracetamol is sometimes recommended for small children. Our staff will give you advice about any likely side effects during your appointment.

Yes, of course. We have long experience of vaccinating and looking after children. We regularly vaccinate and look patients who also utilise the services of the NHS.

We will record details of any vaccines we give so that your child’s records can be updated.

The vaccine is available on the NHS to children born after May 1, 2015. If your child was born before this date, they will not have been offered the vaccine as part of their routine NHS immunisation schedule.

You can choose to vaccinate them privately and as with most vaccinations, it is never too late to vaccinate. Unvaccinated people can catch meningitis B at any age.

Your child’s vaccination history is recorded in a red book. Please bring this with you when they attend for vaccination so that we can keep their vaccination records accurate and up to date.

If you forget to bring it we can always update it subsequently.

Most vaccines become fully effective shortly after completion of the course.

There are several distinct strains of meningococcal bacteria, each requiring different vaccines for protection.

Two important vaccines are available.

Meningitis B vaccine protects only against the B strain.

Meningitis ACWY vaccine provides protection agains the A, C, W-135, and Y strains, and is given separately.