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Blood Tests

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Blood tests can be discussed with your doctor during a GP appointment. Our doctors will recommend any relevant to your individual needs. If you know exactly what blood test your require, please call the clinic to speak with a receptionist, who'll book you in with a nurse.

Necessary tests and medications are at an additional fee.

Service Price
GP Appointment: Up to 15-minutes £108
Blood Tests Pricing is dependent on individual blood test

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company

Blood Tests

Blood tests can be used for many different reasons, from diagnosis of specific illnesses to assessing general health indicators. They are great for giving an overview of your health status. We offer a complete range of tests.

A GP or nurse may recommend a blood test as a result of any concerns or findings arising during your appointment, if they think further tests or analyses are needed. Blood tests form a key part of many medical and health screenings, and help provide a snapshot of your general health. Additionally, you can book a specific blood test if there’s anything in particular you would like to know, such as cholesterol levels or immunity tests.

The majority of blood and laboratory tests require an appointment with one of our doctors, although certain tests – such as immunity testing – can often be carried out by our nurses.

Some tests require detailed discussion – either in advance of being carried out, or for explanation of results, so we may ask you to return to the Clinic to speak with one of our doctors in person. Further tests or retesting may be recommended, at additional cost. Our GPs will let you know if and when this is necessary.

We also offer an increasing range of instant “point-of-care” tests such as HbA1c diabetes test, lipid profile and CRP inflammation tests that can be undertaken during your visit to the clinic, giving almost immediate results.

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HbA1c test

This instant test can confirm if you are prediabetic or diabetic. Using a small blood sample it will measure how well controlled your blood sugar has been over the preceding 3 months. Not only is it good for diagnosing diabetes, it is also a great test to help with diabetes management, indicating whether or not your diabetes is stable.

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HIV testing

Without treatment, infection with the HIV virus can be serious or fatal, but thankfully, medication is now available to enable anyone who is HIV positive to life a completely normal life. The only way to know if you have contracted HIV is to get tested, a common sense precaution for anyone who might possibly be exposed. We offer instant testing as well as formal laboratory testing: our nurses and doctors would be happy to advise which type of test is best suited to your own circumstances.

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Iron/Ferritin Blood Test

Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. This test can give an indication of how much iron your body has in store, and of iron deficiency and anaemia. A lack of iron can also affect the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness/infection.

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Full Blood Count

A full blood count provides information about the different kinds and number of cells in the blood; including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Abnormalities in any of these types of cells can indicate the possible presence of a health issue, a medical disorder, or an infection.

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Glucose Blood Test

This test measures the concentration of glucose molecules in your blood at a single point in time. The amount of glucose in your blood indicates whether you could be diabetic or not. People with diabetes can also use this test to manage their condition alongside HbA1C testing.

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Cholesterol Test

Cholesterol tests reveal the levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) and the total amount of cholesterol in your blood. Without treatment, high cholesterol can substantially increase your risk of heart and circulatory problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Raised cholesterol does not present any symptoms, so it is really important to get tested regularly.

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Thyroid Function Test

This test measures the hormone levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) in the blood. The results of the test will reveal whether the thyroid is functioning properly. If your TSH levels are high and your T4 levels are low, this suggests that you have an underactive thyroid - in which case you may need medication.

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Vitamin D Test

The body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight - which is why so many people in the UK and vitamin D-deficient. Deficiency can contribute to a variety of symptoms but is easily corrected with supplements.

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Immunity Tests

You may require immunity testing for work purposes, this is known as “health clearance”. There are different types including EPP. We can do immunity testing for Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Measles, Varicella (Chicken pox), HIV, and Hepatitis C.

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& more

We have many other specific tests and test profiles available. If you would like to have a blood test that is not listed above, please contact our reception team directly and we will be happy to arrange it for you.

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Book your doctor's appointment online

Book Appointment

Blood tests can be discussed with your doctor during a GP appointment. Our doctors will recommend any relevant to your individual needs. If you know exactly what blood test your require, please call the clinic to speak with a receptionist, who'll book you in with a nurse.

Necessary tests and medications are at an additional fee.

Service Price
GP Appointment: Up to 15-minutes £108
Blood Tests Pricing is dependent on individual blood test

Fleet Street Clinic is not a VAT registered company

Our GPs:

When it comes to your health, experience is everything.

Experience translates into good clinical judgement, early and accurate diagnosis, timely treatment, and excellent, all-round care. It also brings fast access to a broad network of world-class specialists across the full range of medical and surgical disciplines.

When it comes to delivering excellence in private medical care, experience counts.