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Quality Policy

Quality is vital to our business as our reputation is key to our success. We have established an excellent reputation for the provision of high quality medical, optical, laboratory testing and health care services, confirmed by our long-standing client relationships and regular referrals. We recognise that we can only maintain this position by constantly striving to provide care of outstanding quality. We value our clients both current and new and endeavour to provide them all with services which meet and even exceed their expectations.

We are committed to continuous improvement and our objective is to comply with the requirements of SEQOHS, and the International Standards ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 15189:2022, ISO 27001:2022 and & the Care Quality Commission

We have established a quality management system, which provides a framework for measuring and improving our performance which is appropriate to the purpose of the organisation.

We aim to achieve this by:

● Consistently delivering professional services of the highest quality and value

● Fostering strong relationships with our clients so that we can anticipate their needs and ensure they are satisfied

● Only employing/engaging experienced and appropriately qualified and registered staff in each role

● Continually upgrading our services, technology, and capabilities to reflect rapidly changing client-led demand

● Ensuring compliance with ISO 9001.2015, ISO 15189:2022, ISO 27001:2022 and the CQC

Our Quality Objectives & Quality Indicators have been developed in line with this policy. We will review these objectives and this policy at Management Review and ensure that our progress and any changes are communicated to all staff.

Our internal procedures are reviewed regularly for continuing suitability and are held in a Quality Manual, which is made available to all staff.

This Quality Policy applies to The Fleet Street Clinic and Whitby & Co. and is communicated to all staff via our online HR information management system. All staff are provided with general QMS training on induction to ensure our quality processes are understood – this training is repeated periodically.

Although the Directors have ultimate responsibility for quality, all staff have a responsibility within their own areas of work/practice to report issues to the Quality Manager. This ensures that quality is a fundamental value that is embedded within and across the business as a whole.

We will ensure:

1. All staff are appropriately trained and competent for the job they are required to do. All staff are provided with a detailed job description and have clearly defined responsibilities.

2. All staff are subject to an annual appraisal whereby objectives will be reviewed and set for the upcoming year and training and development needs will be assessed.

3. A staff satisfaction survey will be conducted annually (suggestions and comments will be reviewed) and results will be disseminated.

4. Any externally provided services are selected and controlled so that our health and safety and environmental policies are not compromised, and staff and patients are not put at risk.

5. Defined targets for each aspect of our service and a schedule of assessments/audits to monitor and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each aspect of our service and ensure consistently high levels of delivery.

6. The monitoring and assessment of users of the laboratory services and patient/corporate client satisfaction.

7. Outcomes of assessments/audits are disseminated widely among staff as part of our ongoing training and development programme.

8. Monitoring and review of our work environment, equipment, infrastructure and examination needs to ensure patient and staff satisfaction.

9. The use of examination procedures that will ensure tests are of acceptable quality and fit for their intended use.

10. To ensure that results are reported in a timely way; to provide clinical support for all laboratory services; to ensure that no patient receives an inconclusive result and wherever necessary and/or appropriate an inconclusive sample will be repeated or processed on a different platform at no additional cost.


Richard Dawood – Medical Director



Last Updated: 06/2024