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  • Lifesystems Permethrin Spray
Protect yourself against mosquitos, midges, and other biting insects.
Permethrin is a spray-on insecticide for fabric and clothing. It can be used to treat clothing (suitable for adult clothing only), tents, footwear, blankets, sleeping bags and mosquito nets.
It essentially adds an extra layer of protection to the fibres which lasts for several washes helping protect you against tropical diseases such as Malaria, Dengue Fever and West Nile Virus.
Whilst Permethrin Clothing treatment is safe to use on all clothing materials – we’d still recommend you do a patch test on your items before fully covering them.
Follow the instructions on the bottle and use in a well-ventilated area.
The effectiveness reduces after washing so items will need re-treating after two weeks.
Lifesystems is a reputable British brand, well-known for their outdoor and travel survival gear. They have been protecting adventurers and explorers for over 25 years against whatever the elements and fate have thrown at them.