Hikers First Aid Kit
Our Hiker’s First Aid Kit has been carefully created by our expert team of podiatrists to prevent and treat minor injuries while hiking or trekking. All supplies are neatly packed in a lightweight, waterproof case that’s easy to carry and durable enough to withstand the elements. Whether you’re Peak Bagging in the UK, or trekking to Annapurna Base Camp, this compact kit ensures you’re prepared for all conditions.

Multiple shipping options available
Pack of assorted plasters (10) – As it says on the tin
2 x Compeed blister plasters – Moisture donating, hydrocolloid dressing designed to protect and heal blisters, whilst creating a protective seal that keeps dirt and bacteria out
Moleskin roll 7 x 40cm – Self adhesive, padded material used to prevent and treat blisters by reducing friction and pressure on sore spots.
Wound closure strips – Used for minor lacerations that do not require stitching
Small sterile adhesive dressing 7 x 8cm – Simple, standalone dressing
Medium sterile adhesive dressing 11 x 10cm – Simple, standalone dressing
Absorbent, non-adhesive dressing 10 x 10cm – To be used in conjunction with the small crepe bandage
Small crepe bandage 5cm x 4.5m – To cover and protect primary dressings
5 x Sterile gauze swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm – To be used in conjunction with saline solution for wound cleansing
- Triangular bandage – For immobilisation and elevation of upper limbs in the event of injury
- Micropore tape 1.5cm x 5m – Skin friendly tape used to secure bandages
Zinc oxide tape 4cm x 5m – Strong, adhesive tape used for injury support, providing stability for joints and muscles, as well as protecting wounds from dirt and moisture.
Coban bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m – Self-adhesive, stretchy wrap that provides reliable support and compression; perfect for securing dressings or treating sprains, strains, and swelling without the need for clips or pins.
2 x Safety pins – Handy for securing bandages
Burn gel sachet 3.5g – To cool and soothe minor burns following first aid
Pair of non-sterile gloves (latex free) – When you don’t want to touch your mate’s gaping wound
4 x Alcohol Swabs – Skin cleansing wipes
Saline wound irrigation 10ml – Sterile salty water for wound cleansing
Savlon antiseptic creme 30g – Protect cuts, scrapes, and minor burns from infection
Forceps – For the removal of foreign bodies from wounds
Scalpel blade – Keep away from children
Scissors – Don’t run with them
Foil Thermal blanket – First aid for those who are immobile, or suffering hypothermia
Tick remover – Precision tweezers for safe and easy tick removal.
Saltidin® tick repellent 25ml – Pocket sized spray for targeted protection from ticks. To be used on exposed skin on legs, ankles and feet.