Dr Richard Dawood, Medical Director of Fleet Street Clinic, was featured in an article published in The Telegraph: ‘Is there a doctor on board? What really happens during a medical emergency at 35,000 feet’.
The article discusses the issue of a medical emergency in the air, and Dr Dawood recounts some of his experiences where his medical expertise has been required during a flight.

Dr Dawood shares how he is happy to volunteer if a doctor is required, and details his experience of caring for a cabin crew member after she was taken ill during an 11 hour flight to Toyko. As an eminent Travel Medicine specialist, Dr Dawood is accustomed to helping with all kinds of travel-related health issues both pre and post travel, and as the article demonstrates, sometimes during travel as well!
As founder of Fleet Street Clinic, Dr Dawood has developed a multidisciplinary medical practice with a strong focus on Travel Medicine. If you require a travel appointment, you can book online.